
thinning hair treatment Archives - Pure Ink SMP

The Cost of Scalp Micropigmentation





Hello and welcome to our latest blog post! I’m Diana, the proud owner of Pure Ink Scalp Micropigmentation. Today, we’ll delve into an essential topic for anyone considering scalp micropigmentation (SMP): the costs of scalp micropigmentation and available financing options. If you’re exploring SMP for the first time, you’re in the right place.

What is Scalp Micropigmentation?

Let’s start by understanding what SMP is. It’s a non-surgical, cosmetic procedure aimed at creating the look of hair follicles. This technique gives the illusion of a fuller head of hair and can significantly boost confidence and appearance.

The Cost of SMP: What You Need to Know

The cost of SMP can vary based on several factors. Let’s break these down:

  1. Severity of Hair Loss: The more significant the hair loss, the more sessions required, affecting the cost.
  2. Size of the Treatment Area: Smaller areas like a receding hairline are generally less expensive than larger bald spots.
  3. Geographic Location: Costs can vary by region, with major cities often having higher prices.
  4. Experience and Reputation of the Practitioner: More experienced practitioners may charge a premium for their expertise, but this often translates to superior results.

Hair Restoration

Remember, these factors mean that SMP pricing can vary, so a personalized estimate from a practitioner is key.

Estimated Cost Range for SMP

While the cost of SMP varies, here’s a general idea of what to expect:

  • For smaller areas or touch-ups, prices might start at a few hundred dollars.
  • Extensive treatments, especially in high-cost areas, could range from $3,500 to $5,000 or more.
  • Keep in mind, these are estimates. The actual cost will depend on your unique situation.

Financing Options for SMP

Affording SMP is more manageable with several financing options:

  1. Personal Savings and Budgeting: Planning and saving can be a practical approach.
  2. Credit Cards and Payment Plans: Many clinics offer flexible payment plans or accept credit cards.
  3. Medical Financing and Loans: Some financial institutions provide loans for cosmetic procedures.
  4. HSAs and FSAs: Your Health Savings or Flexible Spending Accounts might cover SMP.

Each option has its benefits and drawbacks, so choose what fits your financial situation best.

SMP Consultation: A Crucial Step

It’s always recommended to have a consultation with a reputable practitioner before committing. These sessions are typically free and offer personalized quotes and advice.

Special Promotions and Discounts

Also, keep an eye out for any promotions or discounts that might be available, as these can offer significant savings.

In summary, understanding the costs and financing options for SMP is crucial in your decision-making process. Do your research, get personalized quotes, and find the best path for you. If you have questions or want to schedule a consultation, feel free to reach out. We’re here to guide you through every step of your SMP journey!





Scalp Micropigmentation vs. Hair Transplants

We will explore an exciting topic: scalp micropigmentation vs. hair transplants.

Let’s kick things off with Scalp Micropigmentation or SMP. Simply put, this non-surgical procedure uses tiny needles to deposit pigment into the scalp. It’s a medical-grade tattoo that imitates hair follicles.

The benefits of scalp micropigmentation are numerous. It’s a quick process, usually completed in a few sessions, and it’s also permanent, with touch-ups required every 4 to 6 years. Notably, it’s non-invasive, has a minimal healing period, and provides an immediate result that can be tailored to blend with your skin tone and hair color.

However, there are a few downsides. Most importantly, it doesn’t create real hair growth but only gives an illusion of density. Additionally, the result depends heavily on the practitioner’s skill, and poor work can lead to an unnatural look.

Now, let’s move on to hair transplants. A hair transplant is a surgical procedure that moves hair you already have to fill an area with thin or no hair. Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) are the most popular techniques.

Hair transplants’ most significant advantage is that they provide natural hair growth, which can be a game-changer for many people. The new hair can be cut, styled, or dyed according to preference. Once completed, the results are generally permanent.

But hair transplants are not without their drawbacks. They can be time-consuming, requiring multiple sessions and a healing period of a few months. The process can be invasive and sometimes painful, with potential for complications such as infections and scarring. The procedure can be costly, and only some are suitable candidates.

So, between the two, which one is the best? It depends on your personal needs, lifestyle, and budget. Scalp micropigmentation might be the right choice if you want an immediate result, a non-surgical procedure, and a lower cost. On the other hand, hair transplants could be the way to go if your goal is to regrow your hair and you don’t mind the price, surgical procedure, or waiting period.

Everyone’s journey with hair loss is different, and it’s crucial to consult with professionals to understand your options and make an informed decision.


Dry skin and scalp micropigmentation


By Hair Nutrition

Dry Scalp and Scalp Micropigmentation

According to the Colombia skin clinic, one in every five people suffers from dandruff. In most mild cases, an anti-dandruff shampoo can be enough to treat the symptoms. Unfortunately, there are multiple causes of a dry scalp; understanding some of the reasons can be critical to understanding how to treat it.

If you are one of the many who suffers from a dry scalp, we recommend getting it under control before getting Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) treatment. In most cases exfoliating and moisturizing the scalp a few weeks before your appointment is enough. However, it is common to suffer from a skin condition and not even know it. Therefore, the best way to handle the situation is to consult your SMP artist; they will evaluate your skin and refer you to a medical doctor if necessary. Performing scalp micropigmentation while there is a skin condition can cause uneven results or put you at risk for an adverse reaction. As artist, we need a nice clean, healthy canvas to work on. We will show you how to exfoliate and prepare dry skin before your treatment.

There are different reasons you may be noticing dry skin. I will be naming 8:

1. Dandruff: Dandruff can be caused by stress, environmental factors, and even weather. It is not curable, but it is manageable. In fact, in some cases, dandruff can be exacerbated because of an oily skin condition. Using an anti-dandruff shampoo a few times per week can reduce its flaring.

2. Irritating products: Dryness can be caused by an irritating ingredient in a product you are using, or you may be allergic to it. It can be your shampoo, hair dye, sulfates, alcohol content, fragrance, or dyes in the products. Be aware some anti-dandruff shampoos can have a high alcohol content. Also, make sure you are rinsing out your shampoo thoroughly.

3. Eczema is a chronic skin condition that causes dryness and itchy skin patches. Make sure to use fragrance and dye-free products and rinse your shampoo thoroughly.

4. Psoriasis: Psoriasis is a chronic medical condition likely related to genetics. Many that have psoriasis also suffer from joint pain and arthritis. 50% of sufferers will get lesions on their scalps. If this occurs, it is necessary to see a dermatologist. You want to avoid aggressive scrubbing. An anti-dandruff shampoo can help calm the symptoms, but always see your dermatologist.

5. Razor Bumps: Razor bumps are annoying and cause itching. There are some natural cures, but I have seen this issue cause permanent scarring. You may need to see a dermatologist if the symptoms persist.

6. Hives: Come and go and, at most last six weeks. Medication, the environment, or a viral illness can trigger it. Most of the time, an over-the-counter antihistamine can reduce the severity of the symptoms. The condition can worsen with heat, rubbing, and scrubbing. You can calm the symptoms with cool water.

7. Ringworm: More typical than you think. It’s a type of fungus and can frequently affect the scalp. You will need to see a dermatologist so they can prescribe an oral antifungal medication. An anti-dandruff shampoo can help calm down the symptoms. Make sure not to self-medicate, as some medicines can make it worse.

8. Skin Cancer: Can cause itching in specific areas. Immediately contact your doctor if the site has an odd shape, hurts, or bleeds.

In conclusion, an anti-dandruff shampoo can be beneficial to calm down the symptoms in many of these conditions. I prefer that my clients use a more natural product without fragrance and that is dye free. The shampoo I will give my clients that suffer from dry scalp is Vanicream Medicated Dandruff Shampoo. I will attach the information. Also, I have had clients use Ozone oil for Eczema and acne. Ozone oil is a fantastic product that only a few people know about it. Ozone is a highly reactive and unstable molecule; therefore, it can assist in eliminating bacteria, viruses, and biofilm. You can find oils that are useful for different conditions, from Eczema, acne, scars, and so much more. I’ve had so much success with this product. You can either purchase it directly from the manufacturer or on Amazon. I will attach the links. It has a strong smell but multiple uses if you can get past the scent. Olive oil is a potent carrier oil that has a high success rate. Check their website for more detailed information.

When it comes to scalp micropigmentation, try to use natural products that help prolong your results. Also, you may have dehydrated skin, which often causes excessive sebum production to compensate for the lack of hydration. So, you may have an oily scalp but suffer from a dry scalp.


Pureo3 Ozonated Olive Oil (official website):  https://shop.puro3.com/puro3-ozonated-olive-oil-2-or-4-oz

Pureo3 Ozonated Olive Oil (Amazon): https://a.co/d/bsYZUNH

Vanicream (Amazon): https://a.co/d/cuOshA6



Micropigmentación Capilar | Hair Tattoo | San Diego

Pictures Provided by: Canva

5 foods that strengthen your hair


By Hair Nutrition, SMP FOR WOMEN



I am going to discuss common nutrient deficiencies that may be related to hair loss. It is challenging to pinpoint the exact cause of hair loss, but having a wide variety of nutrients in your diet can help combat this problem. I have picked my 5 top foods that strengthen your hair. We have heard it before, but we are made up of what we eat. Our food is our medicine; therefore, it can heal us or hurt us. The food we introduce into our bodies feeds our cells, providing our muscles and every process in our incredible bodies. If you think about it, we have a very intimate relationship with our food; we take something from the outside world and place it inside us to aid in every bodily process. On top of being a micropigmentation artist, I am also a transformational nutrition coach, which is why I love talking about nutrition. That being said, I am not a doctor, and you should always consult your doctor before taking any supplement to check your vitamin and mineral levels.


1. Eggs- Eggs are on the top of the list because of their nutrient-dense properties. Eggs are high in protein and Biotin. They are also a great source of iron (a prevalent deficiency that can lead to hair loss) and zinc, selenium, and other healthy nutrients. Non-vegetarian sources of protein contain heme iron which is more easily absorbed. Protein is super critical because it contains sulfur which builds keratin which aids in the growth rate and thickness of hair. It also helps in the absorption of iron and zinc. Iron helps in the production of red blood cells, which transfer oxygen throughout the body. Are you starting to see how everything works together? Incredible right? As you noticed, I mentioned Biotin, which most people automatically think about as a hair nutrient. However, if you eat a balanced diet, it is very uncommon to have a Biotin deficiency; most commonly, it is unnecessary to take a Biotin supplement. A great cooking tip and something that I just started incorporating is turmeric in my scrambled eggs. Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory and has a long list of benefits; make sure to add black pepper, making the curcumin in Turmeric absorption 2000x greater.

2. Fatty Fish- Omega-3 is another common deficiency. Omega-6 is commonly found in the foods we consume, but Omega-3 is not. It is ideal to have a ratio of 1:1 or 1:4 of these fatty acids. Unfortunately, most commonly, diets have a ratio of 1:20. So a diet high in Omega-3 can help level out this ratio. Salmon, herring, and mackerel are great examples of fatty fish. When I don’t eat fish, one of my favorite sources of Omega-3 is Cod Liver Oil or Krill Oil, both great supplementation. Just make sure they come from credible sources; the last thing you want is to be consuming added toxins. These oils also contain Vitamins and nutrients that promote strong and healthy hair. A vegetarian option is hemp seeds which have a perfect nature’s balance of 3:1 ratio.

3. Spinach- Spinach is rich in folate, iron (which remember helps RBC carry oxygen throughout the body), and Vitamin C and A. It also aids in blocking DHT due to its high content in zinc. High levels of DHT lead to hair loss. I place spinach and kale in my daily protein shakes to make sure I get those healthy leafy greens into my diet.

4. Berries- Blueberries are on the top of my list of favorite berries. Berries are rich in Vitamin C, which helps in the production of collagen. Collagen is a protein that helps strengthen hair and prevent it from becoming brittle and breaking. Vitamin C also aids in the absorption of iron. Berries are also excellent sources of antioxidants; these properties protect against harmful molecules called free radicals.

5. Nuts- Nuts are high in Vitamin E, zinc, fatty acid, along with a wide variety of nutrients that promote healthy hair growth.

There are so many other foods I would love to discuss, but I will leave it at those top 5. Foods are essential for maintaining healthy hair. Hair cells are the second fastest-growing cells in our body, second only to our intestinal cells. Hair is not a vital organ, so our bodies will prioritize what is most critical for our bodies to stay alive. Therefore, a nutritional imbalance will show up in the form of thinning, brittle hair. Our bodies need proper amounts of protein, complex carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals to function optimally. Also, good nutrient absorption and a healthy gut are essential. I will create more videos that will help you elevate your health. But a quick tip for gut health is 2 teaspoons of organic apple cider vinegar in a tall glass of water upon waking up; this will boost your stomach’s ability to absorb nutrients.



PINTEREST: https://www.pinterest.com/dianaschaumburg/_created/

Scalp micropigmentation | Micropigmentación Capilar | San Diego

Pictures Provided by: Canva

choosing your scalp micropigmentation artist in San Diego





  1. I will be listing my top 5 tips on choosing your scalp micropigmentation artist
  1. When choosing your scalp micropigmentation artist, it is crucial to have the ability to have good communication. You want to be able to have an open-ended conversation. If English is not your first language, ensure you find someone who speaks your preferred language. During the consultation, the questions will include: Do you want a more natural or sharp hairline? Do you like it slightly receded or straight across? You want a hairline that you are happy with and that also fits your facial structure. Your artist can help and work with you to figure that out.


  1. Is there another technician that can vouch for their work? It is a great way to test if they are proficient. Sadly, getting three-day training and opening your studio is commonplace. A big misconception about scalp micropigmentation is that it will turn blue. Well, it shouldn’t, and the only reason it can is if your technician doesn’t have the skill to perform scalp micropigmentation. The reality is that scalp micropigmentation takes years to master. It’s trial and error until you get your technique down. But if they can provide you with another reputable artist who knows their work, this can be a fantastic way to ensure they are proficient.


  1. I get so many calls on this next one. Most technicians only cover two sessions in their pricing. Every skin metabolizes the ink differently. In some cases, two sessions may be enough, but that 3rd session is a bonus to ensure the work is complete and uniform. Many clients have complained that they were unsatisfied because the work faded, and their technician wants to charge them for that 3rd touchup. In my experience, a 3rd session solidifies everything. So, ask how many sessions will be included in the price.


  1. Do they offer a payment plan? Some options are to split your payments into sessions, or sometimes financing is available. Ask your technician what they offer. Also, remember that paying cash can sometimes provide a discount since the technician won’t be paying credit card charges.


  1. And lastly, listen to your gut. Is the artist willing to work with you and give you what you want? Bring in pictures of what you are expecting. Are they honest and straightforward about what is possible with your treatment? Are the before and after photos, they are showing you photoshopped? Will they respect your privacy? Are they clean and provide a sterile environment?


This article helps guide you to finding the right artist for you. Remember you trust this person to perform a life-changing service and will spend several hours with them, so make sure you get along with them.


Cherry Payment Plans: https://pureinksmp.com/payment-plans/





Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/dianaschaumburg/_created/

Pictures provided by: Canva

Micropigmentación Capilar | Hair Tattoo | San Diego

should I shave for scalp micropigmentation




Should I Shave for Scalp Micropigmentation?


A common question during an initial scalp micropigmentation consultation is: “Should I shave for scalp micropigmentation? This question, unfortunately, only sometimes has a straightforward answer. Depending on the amount of hair loss and age, an in-person consultation is recommended to discuss the pros and cons of shaving or keeping the hair.

Hair loss is something that most guys will experience in their lives. According to the American Hair Loss Association, by age 35, two-thirds of American men will experience some degree of hair loss, with 85% percent having significant thinning by age 50. Unfortunately, 25% of these men will begin the process by age 21.

Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) can serve those with hair or those who shave it. In this case, I will discuss individuals who opt to shave their heads during treatment but want also want the option to grow their hair out. However, this is only an option when hair is still present on the top of their heads.

As artists, a shaved head provides us with a clean canvas without the obstacle of having to work around existing hair. Since treatments are commonly completed in 3 sessions, the results are very gradual. I’ve even had clients keep their treatment from their spouses. They get questions like, “Did you get a new haircut? Are you using vitamins for hair growth? And so on. I’ve had clients tell their barbers they had the treatment, and even the barbers can’t believe it; instead, they think they had a hair transplant. Scalp Micropigmentation achieves very natural results.

If you have extensive hair loss and shaving down is your only option, then there are a few things to keep in mind.
It is critical to keep the hair shaved if this is the route you have chosen because, not doing so, the pigment will practically look like it has disappeared, or worse, it won’t look right, specifically if a hairline was created. Since scalp micropigmentation is a tattoo, it sits on the skin in one dimension. Hair is not one-dimensional, so it will always look darker than the pigment that was placed. Also, when hair is lost on the scalp, the skin on the scalp changes. The hair follicles shrink and turn into skin cells; this causes the sebaceous glands to increase when the hairs are lost. The scalp will secrete more oil than when hair exists. So, if you have hair on the sides but missing hair on the top, the top of the head will be shiny and stand out.

I have another blog dedicated to matting lotion recommendations, which will help reduce shine during the day so that your treatment looks natural. Before bed, however, you should have a skincare routine that will help keep your scalp healthy.


This image is of a client that just had scalp micropigmentation completed. He previously had a hair transplant and came in for SMP. He wanted the option to grow out his hair or shave it down. This is possible in his case because of a previous hair transplant. When working with these clients, it is critical to stay behind the hairline. Working on a clean canvas is much easier, so the client’s hair is shaved upon arrival. Although with the existing hair, the scalp micropigmentation reduced the shine on his head and created a bit of density, once shaved down, the pigment that was placed becomes visible. The difference is impressive; it’s like an optical illusion. He did come in with a dry scalp, so I used a moisturizer during the treatment making his head shiny in this picture.

Here is a second example: Not all treatments were completed in this picture, but you can see some of the scalp micropigmentation dots. Simply shaving down makes a big difference and looks so much better. He also wanted the option to grow out his hair. Not everyone is ready to shave down and commit to the change. So for these two clients, we shaved for the treatment to ensure all the impressions were consistent; we stayed behind the natural hairline and ensured there was no over-saturation of ink, which is very difficult to achieve when working around existing hair. This way, in the future, if these clients continue to lose more hair and are ready to shave down, then they have the perfect scalp micropigmentation foundation to do so.

Always communicate openly with your artist to see which long-term solution is best for you. Scalp Micropigmentation should be done with longevity in mind. An experienced artist can help determine if it is viable to keep your existing hair and create density or if it is best to shave when there has been or will be significant future hair loss.



Amazon: https://a.co/d/5pX7RyG


Amazon: https://a.co/d/75Y7UAY


Amazon: https://a.co/d/76fOV8v


Amazon: https://a.co/d/h0ICHpT



Pictures provided by: Canva

Micropigmentación Capilar | Hair Tattoo | San Diego

advantages and disadvantages of scalp micropigmentation



Advantages and Disadvantages of scalp micropigmentation

The most important thing to establish is that scalp micropigmentation (SMP) is a tattoo. Many clients think they will be leaving with a full set of hair or that scalp micropigmentation will help with regrowth. There have been cases where it did help with regrowth, but this is so rare that it’s not worth mentioning. The goal with scalp micropigmentation is not to regrow the hair; its purpose is to reconstruct the hairline or create density for existing thinning hair. Scalp micropigmentation is also used to cover scars like those after hair transplants, a burn, or patches of hair loss.

Advantage #1 No Need For Lifelong Drugs

Scalp micropigmentation is a considerable advantage because it is the #1 hair loss solution that does not require taking medications. You may be unaware that after a hair transplant, many are prescribed medication for the rest of their lives to maintain the success of the surgery. Medications such as Minoxidil and Finasterdine, along with treatments such as Derma rollers and PRP may be recommended. Minoxidil is a vasodilator prescribed as a topical solution to treat hair loss. Minoxidil is also prescribed as an oral medication to treat high blood pressure, and just like any medication, it comes with its risks. It may increase your heart rate, so be aware if you suffer from a heart condition. While some may not experience any side effects, the most common complaint is dryness, itching, and redness of the scalp.

Finasterdine, also known as Propecia is the other commonly prescribed medication given topically or orally. It helps control the production of DHT. Finasterdine is frequently used to shrink an enlarged prostate in hopes of avoiding prostate surgery. Both drugs help control hair loss but will not cure it. Also, halting the use of either one of these medications will cause the loss of any hair that grew back while you were taking them. The most significant side effect of Finasterdine is sexual dysfunction and even depression. Like all medications, they usually come with a long list of side effects.

Advantage # 2 No Need For Daily Use Of Toppik

For those who are unaware of what Toppik is, let me explain. I use it occasionally and think it’s a fantastic product; however, I can assure you I would not want to be using it daily. Toppik are hair-building fibers made of keratin protein that you powder onto your existing hair strands to create the appearance of naturally thick, full hair instantly. The downside is that, of course, they wash off. The two other significant downsides are that it can be challenging to blend in, so sometimes, I get a big blotch of fibers on one section. The other big downside is that they get all over the floor, sink, and even in your nostrils. I feel if you ever should wear a face mask, this is the time.

Advantage #3 No Downtime

You can go to work immediately after your treatment, and no one would know you had anything done. Unfortunately, with hair transplants, there is a significant time to heal. With surgery, your scalp will be very tender and may need pain meds. Your surgeon will have you wear bandages over your scalp for at least a day or two and prescribe antibiotics or an anti-inflammatory for several days.

There are two types of hair restoration surgeries FUT and FUE. FUT surgery is where a surgeon cuts a strip of skin from the back or side of your head and extracts individual hair follicles. This surgery is best when trying to achieve the most coverage and fullness. However, it does leave a large scar.

The second type of surgery is FUE. This surgery consists of taking individual hair follicles from your skin. This type of surgery leaves behind tiny white scars where follicles are extracted and thins out the donor site. I have had many clients who also had failed hair transplants or never received the coverage they hoped for. There is only so much donor site a surgeon can take from, and remember, everyone, heals differently. Hair transplants have a success rate of 10-80%. It rarely only requires one surgery; instead, it takes multiple, and if genetics are working against you, results will not be what you expected.

Advantage/Disadvantage #4 SMP May Stop You From Other Treatments

For the most part, you can continue with any treatment after scalp micropigmentation; however, using topical medication like Rogaine can fade your scalp micropigmentation faster due to the high alcohol content. Otherwise, you can still opt to have hair transplants in the future or a hairpiece.

Disadvantage #1: It’s Not Hair!

As mentioned in the beginning, scalp micropigmentation is not hair. Sometimes expectations can be too high. If your goal is to regrow your hair, hair transplants or a hairpiece may be your only option. Hairpieces can range in cost from $275-$800, not including monthly maintenance.

Disadvantage #2- Getting Bad SMP

Make sure to do your research and find a skilled technician. It is a particular skill that takes time to master. Sometimes, scalp micropigmentation is done incorrectly; it can be corrected by an experienced artist who can camouflage the bad work. Otherwise, laser removal might be the only viable option if the damage is too extensive. Lasers are very painful and can take multiple sessions to remove.

Hair loss is a journey and is very individually based. I highly recommend you do your research before any treatment. It is possible to get scalp micropigmentation after a hair transplant, but there is a healing time of 9-12 months before we can proceed with treatment. Scalp micropigmentation is low maintenance and effective. It doesn’t require any downtime and is significantly less expensive than other procedures. Make sure you address your gut health through diet, stress, and any other factors that can contribute to your hair loss. We can be experiencing many other symptoms in our daily lives and not realize that they are not typical, but it is our bodies’ way of telling us that something is out of balance.


Toppik Hair Building Fibers: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0013TZ016?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_dp_42QZA6FPJK7HF8A1MR4M


SMP for Men: https://pureinksmp.com/services/smp-for-men/

SMP for Women: https://pureinksmp.com/services/smp-for-women/

Pictures provided by: Canva

Micropigmantción Capilar | Hair Tattoo | San Diego

How long does Scalp Micropigmentation last?





Have you been considering scalp micropigmentation (SMP) but concerned about how long it will last?  Well, I will be answering this commonly asked question in depth.  First, I will explain where the ink is implanted within the skin and the reason it is considered a semi-permanent treatment.  I will also discuss ways you can help make your treatment last longer and looking sharp.

See the source image

Our Skin:

Our skin is the largest organ in the human body and is composed of three layers.  The outer layer, that is visible is the epidermis, this layer works to provide protection from the outside world. The second layer is the dermis, contains connective tissue, blood vessels, oil and sweat glands, nerves, hair follicles, and other structures. The third layer, the most innermost layer is the hypodermis or subcutaneous tissue. This layer is mainly composed of fat cells, connective tissue, large nerves, and blood vessels.


Scalp micropigmentation is very different from a traditional tattoo because instead of implanting the ink purposely into the second layer, the dermis; the ink is placed just below the epidermis into the very top part of the epidermis. Traditional tattoos are placed deeper to assure they are permanent, the downside of implanting the ink that deep is that over time there will be some migration. This however can be very detrimental with scalp micropigmentation the last thing we want is migration because we are attempting to replicate tiny hair follicles. The ink is only place between 1.5-2mm deep, for this reason scalp micropigmentation is considered semi-permanent. However, I consider scalp micropigmentation permanent because it will never go away 100% but will however slowly fade over time. Normally the treatment will last between 2-5 years before a touch-up is desired.


Take into consideration that we are all have different skin types and thickness of skin and for this reason it is critical to find a skilled technician that understands skin, its conditions and has that finesse to find the sweet spot. This skilled is learned over time and with a lot of practice. It is imperative that your artist is using the correct machine and needles to practice this technique.

Skin types also affect how long scalp micropigmentation will last. Dry, flaky skin will slough off taking the ink with it faster compared to healthy moisturized skin, therefore it is important to care for your skin and use a good moisturizer. I discuss moisturizers in a different video but an easy to find moisturizer to use before bed is AVEENO.


Skin tone also is a major factor for scalp micropigmentation. Someone with darker skin can tolerate the sun much longer than someone with fair skin. UV light is scalp micropigmentation’s #1 enemy. Someone with light skin will require a lighter shade of ink to be used whereas someone with a darker complexion will need a darker tone. What this ultimately means is someone with lighter complexion may need more touch-ups. This is very important to understand, many clients want to go much darker than recommended. Our #1 priority is that your treatment looks natural, and it’s your artist’s job is to find a color that is appropriate for you.

I always recommend wearing sunscreen or protecting your head with a hat if you plan to be in the sun for an extended amount of time. Chlorinated pools and the ocean can also affect your treatment, but this is the reason we provide touch-ups.


Another factor is the amount of hair loss you first started off with. Someone who just had a small area to cover like a Norwood 1-3 can go longer without a touch-up compared to someone with extensive hair loss, a Norwood 5-7.

See the source image

Touch up sessions are much shorter than the original treatment and can range from 1 to 2 hours. The cost will also be less. I hope this information was helpful and answered some of your questions regarding scalp micropigmentation and touch-ups.


SMP FOR MEN: https://pureinksmp.com/services/smp-for-men/

SMP FOR WOMEN: https://pureinksmp.com/services/smp-for-women/

AVEENO: https://www.amazon.com/Aveeno-Moisturizing-Soothing-Emollients-Fragrance-Free/dp/B001459IEE/ref=sr_1_5?crid=2RZQ7T4MP3BRJ&keywords=aveeno&qid=1649853857&sprefix=aveeno%2Caps%2C255&sr=8-5

skin anatomy picture: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=M5xgj19K&id=A6F966B4B621E39CFB118202BEE061A374D8F5AB&thid=OIP.M5xgj19KIVtwD-ftMQDbowHaFj&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fimages.fineartamerica.com%2fimages-medium-large-5%2fanatomy-of-human-skin-with-labels-hank-grebe.jpg&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.339c608f5f4a215b700fe7ed3100dba3%3frik%3dq%252fXYdKNh4L4Cgg%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=675&expw=900&q=Skin+Anatomy&simid=607992538461243865&FORM=IRPRST&ck=EB5F7C6C5FF9D9EE23464301A5CC9002&selectedIndex=0&idpp=overlayview&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0

Norwood scale: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=QtYM238A&id=31DAB43357F75C0103F16F85A2893A6713CE4A1B&thid=OIP.QtYM238ABbst9tu8EPvcdgHaE7&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fwww.veraclinic.net%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2020%2f02%2fTheNorwoodScale-ss.jpg&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.42d60cdb7f0005bb2df6dbbc10fbdc76%3frik%3dG0rOE2c6iaKFbw%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=1140&expw=1712&q=norwood+scale+picture&simid=608009555117355491&FORM=IRPRST&ck=805755BEB7F5CBEE3D0307D45F025A41&selectedIndex=17&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0

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Micropigmentación Capilar | Hair Tattoo | San Diego




Before discussing the 5 steps you need to take before your Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) treatment, make sure you have done your research. Pick your artist by having several consultations, looking at their work on their website and social media. Do they have work similar to what you are looking for? And speak with them; you will be spending multiple appointments, each several hours long, so make sure this is someone you feel comfortable with. Although cost is essential, don’t pick an artist for their lower fees as we all know a mistake can be costly to fix.

Now that we got that out of the way let’s go into those 5 steps

  1. Understand your treatment goals and have realistic expectations

Scalp micropigmentation is a tattoo, not hair implantation. Whether you are looking to recreate a hairline or create density for thinning hair, it is essential to understand the limitations of scalp micropigmentation. Although it can be a bit daunting initially, enjoy the process by finding before and after pictures on Youtube, Instagram, or Pintrest for the hairline you would like to achieve. You may opt for a very soft hairline, a receded hairline, or a sharp edge up. If you are unsure, don’t worry; your artist is always willing to recommend a look that will best suit you.

  1. Begin to moisturize your scalp 

If you completely shave your head, we recommend starting to moisturize your scalp. You can begin days to even weeks before your appointment. A healthy scalp is the best canvas for your artist. Use a non-irritating, fragrance-free soap and moisturizer and moisturize 1-2 times per day. An easy to find and acceptable moisturizer is Aveeno. We are working at a very superficial surface, and dry, tough skin will not allow the needle to enter the skin adequately to deposit the ink. If you suffer from skin conditions, including dandruff, ensure it is well treated and under control. We are unable to work if there are any present flare-ups. If you have a dry scalp, you may need a hair scrub. In addition, If you do have any of these issues, make sure to address them before your treatment date with your artist.

AVEENO: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001459IEE/ref=cm_sw_r_oth_api_i_J2Y8BC8CCTRD6JG5GE1D

  1. Avoid using alcohol-based products.

It is best to stop using any harsh topical products on your scalp for at least 48 hours before your appointment. These products include Rogain, Toppicks, or a hair system if you wear one. We need to allow your skin to be clean and clear before your appointment.

  1. Cut your hair

If you shave, it is best to do it the night before. This way, we can minimize the redness and soreness the clippers, razors, or foil shaver may cause. It also saves on treatment time. However, if you have never shaved before and prefer us to do it, we are well equipped to provide that service for you.

  1. Eat and Hydrate

Plan on being at your appointment anywhere from 1 to 3 hours. Make sure you eat and, if possible, avoid blood thinners, like caffeine, alcohol, or aspirin.


Scalp Micropigmentation | Micropigmentación Capilar | Hair Tattoo [San Diego]

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Silica for thinning hair


By Hair Nutrition

Silica (Si) for thinning hair

Often, we look towards supplementation when we notice an adverse change within our bodies. A lack of macronutrients or micronutrients can often cause these undesired effects. It is complicated to find the root cause of hair loss or thinning hair leading to frustration and depression. Over 80 million American’s are affected by hair loss. I will discuss Silica in a bit more depth which is a supplement that can be used to help thinning hair.


Silica (Si) is the second most abundant element in the Earth’s crust and the third most abundant trace mineral in the human body. Levels of this element tend to decrease after the age of thirty. Silica helps metabolize calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus to help build a robust skeletal system. It is a mineral that is extracted from crystal quartz rocks.


Since Silica is a mineral, it does not accumulate in the body; instead, the kidneys flush it out. Vegetables are the richest source of Silica in the human diet. Other foods also include those grown in the ground, like potatoes, beets, and carrots. It is most abundant in the skin or the fiber-like substances in food. It is also found in a large variety of fruits and nuts. To meet the daily dietary requirements, some may benefit from a supplement.


The benefits of Silica include muscle, joint, and bone regeneration, stronger hair, nails, and promoting glowing skin. It ultimately supports our metabolism and overall health.


Benefit #1: Healthy Hair

Grow thicker hair and improves texture; it does this by feeding the hair follicles. As we age, we lose Silica in the body; therefore, our hair gets thinner over time. Silica is a great all-natural way for our body to achieve hormonal balance. Balance is one of the most significant single factors for hair loss and thinning hair.


Benefit #2: Healthy Bones

Promotes healthy bones and prevents bone loss and deterioration of connective tissue like collagen, essential for bone strength.

Benefit #3 Collagen and Skin Health

Silica helps build up collagen, reducing fine lines and wrinkles. It replenishes a youthful, brighter complexion. It is also a natural anti-inflammatory, helping skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis.


Benefit #4: Strong nails

Dosage: One tablespoon a day! I use Orgono Living Silica. But make sure to read the directions before taking. It does not taste bad at all, just a clean, mineralized water flavor.


In conclusion, Silica is not known to promote hair growth; rather, it strengthens hair and prevents thinning.  Be sure to speak to your doctor before trying Silica for hair loss.





Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Living-Silica-Collagen-Boosting-Production/dp/B088Y735HB/ref=sr_1_8?keywords=silica+orgono&qid=1648153508&sr=8-8



Scalp Micropigmentation | Micropigmentación Capilar | Hair Tattoo [San Diego]



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